Preliminary programme

Monday 24/3

Time Session (session chair/s)
09:00-17:00 Insecticide Resistance Training Course
18:00 Welcome Reception

Tuesday 25/3

Time Session (session chair/s)
09:00-09:30 Welcome session
09:30-10:05 Keynote #1
Introduction by Olivier Briet
Nimmo, D. - Supporting innovation to encourage the development of novel approaches to enhance vector control
10:05-10:35 Ready for action: having the right tools and knowing how to deploy them (Olivier Briet / Ruth Müller)
The rising global economic costs of Aedes and Aedes-borne diseases
20 years containing the tiger: an achievement of policy, surveillance and mosquito control in the Netherlands
10:35-11:05 Coffee break
11:05-12:20 Ready for action: having the right tools and knowing how to deploy them (Olivier Briet / Ruth Müller)
The potential of gene drive mosquitoes in the path towards malaria elimination
Application of sterile male of Aedes albopictus as an integrated control measure in Switzerland (2023-24)
Modeling the effectiveness of different control strategies for West Nile virus in Germany
Effectiveness of larviciding against urban Aedes albopictus in a randomized controlled trial in Italy
Prediction of larvae abundance using machine learning (ML) for wide-area mosquito control
12:20-13:50 Lunch break
13:50-15:20 Mosquito ecology and behaviour (Isabelle Kramer / NN)
Flight activities of the West Nile virus vector mosquitoes of the Culex pipiens-complex in Germany, 2024
Acoustic attraction and hamonic convergence in the love serenades of Aedes albopictus
New insights on Aedes aegypti: extreme cryptic oviposition and sugar deprivation elevates biting performance
Mosquito barcoding and molecular identification of blood meals in Ethiopian mosquitoes (Diptera, Culicidae)
Climate change and mosquito immunity: the impact of temperature and humidity on Anopheles defence responses
Mating status limits swarm formation in female Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes
15:20-15:50 Coffee break
15:50-17:00 Poster Bazar
17:00-18:00 One Health: Empowering public health and veterinary health partnerships (Cedric Marsboom / NN)
First collaborative tick surveillance in patients of the public health system of the Balearic Islands (Spain)
Ongoing work of VectorNet3: The third iteration of the European network for medical and veterinary entomology
WIMANET, a global initiative to study vector-borne disease in wildlife
Results of integrated surveillance for West Nile and Usutu viruses in northeastern Italy (2022-2023)
18:00-19:30 Annual General Meeting (Sandra Gewehr)

Wednesday 26/3

Time Session (session chair/s)
09:00-09:30 Keynote #2
Introduction by Andreas Rose
Bellini, R. - The sterile insect technique against Aedes mosquitoes: An update
09:30-10:45 Expanding larval control with bacteria, barriers, and "bugs" (Andreas Rose / NN)
Field test of VectoBac GR small granules against floodwater mosquito larvae in Sweden
Integrations of new approaches to control the Asian tiger mosquito Aedes albopictus in Europe
Optimal frequency of VectoMax FG applications for controlling Aedes albopictus in catch basins
Efficient predator = potential control agent? Aquatic insect predators against mosquito larvae
A Sustainable barrier against Aedes albopictus proliferation in storm/road drains
10:45-11:15 Coffee break
11:15-12:45 Beyond mosquitoes: Biting midges, ticks, and other vector control challenges (Francis Schaffner / NN)
The neglected biting midges: First evidence of human-biting behaviour of L. irritans on the Balearic Islands
The importance of long-term field studies for evaluating non-target effects of mosquito control
Side effects of Aquatain AMF on non-target atmospheric air breathing insects
How invasive plants influence mosquito-borne disease dynamics: evidence from Kenya
Advancing arthropod vector management through integrated models
Biting and public health importance of black flies (Simuliidae) in north-western Iran
12:45-14:15 Lunch break
14:15-17:30 Excursions
Antwerp's Best Kept Secrets: A Personalized City Tour
From City to Wilderness: A Waterbus Adventure and Ecological Tour

Thursday 27/3

Time Session (session chair/s)
09:00-09:30 Keynote #3
Introduction by Sandra Gewehr
C.C. Calba - Increased risk of arbovirus es transmission in mainland France: how do we deal with this new paradigm?
09:30-10:15 Public health sector meets vector control operator (Sandra Gewehr / Javiera Rebolledo Romero)
A novel methodology for assessing effectiveness and efficacy of mosquito control in the era of big data
Unprecedented circulation of the dengue virus in south-eastern France, 2024: a foreshadowing for Europe?
The tiger mosquito in Paris: adapting vector control strategies in an urban megacity
10:15-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:15 Microbes, viruses, and symbionts: Hidden players in mosquito control (Leen Delang / Marco Brustolin)
Insights from open field pilot trials supporting the incompatible insect technique deployment
Genetic diversity of Wolbachia and prophage WO in Ethiopian mosquitoes
Deciphering mosquito microbiome dynamics and trends to find targets for vector control
Harnessing Asaia bacteria for symbiotic control: insights from Aedes koreicus isolates
Does Densovirus infection modulate Aedes vector competence for dengue and chikungunya viruses?
Co-infections with West Nile virus and Usutu virus promote West Nile virus replication in Culex pipiens
12:15-12:30 Group photo
12:30-14:00 Lunch break
14:00-15:30 Panel discussion: Adapting Vector Control Strategies Across Europe - Challenges and Opportunities (Wim van Bortel)
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-16:45 Insecticide resistance and its growing threat (Ruth Müller / NN)
First detection of pyrethroid resistance in Culex pipiens and its confirmation in Aedes albopictus in Bulgaria
Insecticide resistance in European Culex pipiens: Insights from Belgium and implications for vector control
The role of metabolic pyrethroid resistance in shaping the vector competence of Aedes aegypti (L.) for DENV-2
16:45-17:30 Science slam (Leen Delang)
Larviciding intervention affects Culex mosquito distribution in the city of Yaoundé, Cameroon
Uncovering dengue virus host factors: Paving the way for innovative antiviral strategies
RNAi-mediated suppression of CHIKV in Aedes mosquitoes as a novel insect vaccine concept
Integrated vector control strategies against Aedes albopictus in Mirepoix, France
Trace element contamination in the mosquito Aedes albopictus
18:30-02:00 Gala dinner

Friday 28/3

Time Session (session chair/s)
09:00-09:30 Keynote #4
Introduction by Cedric Marsboom
Vanwambeke, S. - Land systems governance and vector-borne diseases
09:30-10:30 Tech and Al in mosquito monitoring and identification (Spiros Mourelatos / NN)
BuzzWatch: uncovering temporal patterns in mosquito behavior through continous monitoring over weeks
How the Internet of Things (IoT) can be used to better understand human sensitivity to mosquito nuisances
Using mosquito sounds and machine learning to identify mosquito species of medical importance
Using artificial intelligence to identify mosquito species based on wing images
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:15 Vector surveillance across landscapes (Javiera Rebolledo Romero / NN)
Surveys of Phlebotomine sand flies across their northem distribution range limit in Westem Europe, 2024
Results from the first year of the nationwide West Nile virus monitoring in Austria, 2024
Systematic large-scale West Nile virus monitoring in Czechia
The contribution of citizen surveillance in the increasing detections of Aedes albopictus in Belgium
Development of adaptive mosquito surveillance design for malaria campaigns in Africa
12:15-12:45 Closing session
12:45-14:00 Lunch break